Home / Projects / Execution of viaducts at the A-44 by pass in Granada (Albolote - Santa Fe)

Execution of viaducts at the A-44 by pass in Granada (Albolote - Santa Fe)

Year: 2017
Client: UTE Santa Fe (Vera-Copisa)
Localización: España


Since 2009 and after a big stop of the works, Maracof is already participating in the execution of the A-44 by pass in Granada. The company is carrying out the different viaducts and concrete box culverts. The most unique structures are the viaducts  over the A-92G highway (k.p. 8+340) and the one over the N-432 conventional road (k.p. 10+440) and the big concrete box culverts which dimmensions are 5 meters by 7 meters and more than 40 meters long.